big day tomorrow.

i have a big presentation tomorrow for my honours project. gonna present it to the staff members of my university. and the thing is i need to suit up. haha. and after that, i am heading to work for my first two training sessions. oh well.. take it each step at a time. hahaha. today's workout

5 rounds for time:

5 100kg Deadlifts/10 burpees


Finisher: 30 ring dips, 2 rounds of 4 mins shadow boxing.

quite a nice workout. like all my other workouts, i could have done better. haha. and the best part is.. with 60kg of weights, i managed to create a 100kg weight using my kettlebell. haha. need more weights! hehe. enjoying the ring dips. i am now able to do 10 in a row. might try for more. haha.