first workout at work!

today i worked out at my workplace for the first time. one thing i like is that no one was there except my colleagues. so it was quite nice to have the whole gym to yourself. haha. was intending to workout in school but then the meeting with Eric and Morgan ended around 1.30pm.. then morgan had a class in the school gym from 2-4pm. So i decided to go to work and gym there. The bar they have there rotates quite well.. but it doesnt seem to be able to hold much weight. Because when i worked my deadlift up to 120kg, it seemed like the bar started to bend. haha. scary eh. hahaha. that's why u need an excellent barbell such as pendley (which i already have and is my precious) or the eleiko (which i might be able to get my hand on one soon but second hand. hehe.). and their weights seem quite alright and a good thing is they have sufficient weight plates unlike my garage gym which still lacks enough weight (hint hint anyone willing to contribute? haha).

so decided to work on my deadlift after a long while.. after warming up, i went for 120kg.. pulled 5.. felt okie.. then 130kg pulled 3.. also alright.. then went up to 140kg.. Pulled 1.. still okie although abit light-headed.. then pulled another straight after.. felt even more light-headed. So decided to stop.. considering the last time i pulled 140kg was last year. haha. so i tried speed deadlifts @ 100kg (supposed to be 8 sets).. but ended up doing one set before i felt a twinge in my back. haha. then i went on to work on my pull-ups and finished it off with a 1k row.

today's workout


100kg 5r

120kg 5r

130kg 3r

140kg 2r

Kipping Pull-ups

15r, 11r, 8r.


1k Rower. 4:02mins.

P.S. today i found out that by doing my Honours project, I can make an 80-year-old man's lifelong dream of 40 years come true. how much pressure is that? haha.