
been really busy with my uni assignment. all about stats. i have done stats enough to last me for decades. hahaha. more to come when i get my data later on. work has been going well. slowly getting the hang of things. and hopefully better things to come. so these are the workouts i have been doing and not able to blog about.


as many rounds as possible in 20 mins:

  • 5 pull-ups

  • 10 push-ups

  • 15 squats

17 rounds. improvement from my previous 14 rounds if i rem correctly.

Rope tabatha

15s on/15s off

32 intervals in all; 8 intervals each rope movement

  • alternate arm vertical swing

  • side-to-side swing

  • inward rotation

  • outward rotation



21-15-9 reps for time:

  • 40kg Thrusters

  • Ring Pull-ups

7:48 mins. 6 secs off PB. woohoo!

i think i am getting old because i cant remember the other workouts i did this week apart from these. i know i had a rest day yesterday. and i attempted fran today. as for the rest of the week, i cant really rem apart from these workouts that stood out. oh well.. perhaps time to really fix a training program and stick to it. haha.

p.s. another two days and i see my baby. wheeee!