two workouts in a day!

firstly, apart from completing two small workouts in a day, i have also hit my first 100kg lift the night before! 100kg clean-and-jerk! finally hit the 100kg mark! this is actually even more fulfilling when i managed to deadlift all four colours of weight plates in my school gym (which made it 160kg) and even 180kg. surprisingly, the DOMS from the 100kg c+j din seem to have any effect on me when i woke up. it felt like the usual aches and soreness but nothing debilitating that i couldnt even lift my arms or extend my legs. so i am happy. despite waking up late (one of the occasions i get to sleep in), i managed to squeeze a morning workout today. it was more for recovering and burning some calories. haha. nothing intense. more like to get blood flowing around the body and loosening up the joints. then after lunch, baby decided to workout and i put her through a boxing circuit and crossfit-type workout! so proud of her! before i decided to do another workout. haha.

so this is her workout:

4 rounds of 5 minutes work. with 1 min rest in between

first two rounds - boxing combinations

next two rounds:

10 single-unders/8 KB swings (8kg)/6 incline ring rows

she managed to complete 11 rounds with 10 single-unders! which is really really good! keep it up sweetie!

and this are my workouts for today:

workout 1: 3 rounds. 50 double-unders/50 KB swings (8kg). no time taken.

workout 2: 5 rounds. 10 double-unders/5 handstand push-ups. no time taken.

din put a time element in as i was looking more for recovery than pushing myself. my heart rate still went up abit but not as intense as a Fran or a Helen. slowly introducing crossfit-type workouts to my clients. and slowly they are getting hooked on it. writing down the workouts i give them so that i can not only keep track of their progress but also look back and reflect on their workouts. think i am slowly getting better at this. =)

p.s. abit disappointed i couldnt get the platform, plates and adjustable kettlebell in this weekend. but it should be in by next weekend. time for some serious workouts at home now! in supplement to my weightlifting.