the only way now is forward!


just had my second competition yesterday and i must say i felt quite good about it! although i did not really hit new PBs, but i felt better about competing although it's only my second competition. got a 85kg snatch and a 102kg clean+jerk! so here are some awesome photos by a really good photographer!

competition venue: victorian weightlifting stadium. i must say it's quite cool to see a place dedicated to weightlifting.

equalling my best snatch in comp with 85kg. i went for 90kg, got really close but just couldnt hold the position.

getting ready to lift. need to practice alittle more on my game face. hahaha.

this somehow makes me feel that i actually lifted quite alright in terms of technique. haha. but still a work in progress.

recovering from a 102kg jerk. PB for comp clean+jerk! the last time i bombed on 100kg at ian laurie so only getting 95kg. this time i managed to secure a 102kg..

i actually looked quite alright in the catch position for the 105kg jerk here. but the later part of this (also captured on photos) showed me slowly losing the lift while recovering. hahaha. and again.. so close.

now i am gonna train harder for my next competition. i love the feeling of training for it and leaving it all on the platform.

with the start of a new week, what have you done in last week?

p.s. i have just started my own personal training thing recently. I am gonna start providing 30-min or 1-hour sessions at various parks in the city area as well as from my own garage (Kensington area). if you are interested in strength and conditioning and training hard, or simply having a fun time through exercise, head over to my personal training page by clicking on the tab on the top of my blog that says Personal Training for more information. Thank you very much in advance for showing your support! as it is still in its infancy, i am open to flexibility of sessions. just feel free to contact me and i am sure we will work something out!