How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint While Training.

With the world trying its best to cope with climate change and trying to make every approach sustainable to help reduce our carbon footprint, I was just thinking of how we can take our training to a sustainable level.  

So how do we reduce our carbon footprint while training?

Train outdoors more often!

Working out in the gym, you use the machines, the cardio equipment and just within a air-conditioned environment, you are using electricity to power those machines and ventilation systems. So by taking your training outside, you would not be using up as much electricity, hence reducing your carbon footprint.

Incorporating Recycling into your training.

The act of recycling allows for less manufacturing and production and increases sustainability. So use recyclable items for your training. For example, you could collect rainwater and use them to fill up plastic bottles to provide resistance similar to dumbbells. Or if you have equipment such as a Slosh Ball or an Aqua Bag where it's water-resistance based, you can reuse your collected rainwater to fill them up to provide you with the resistance. Similarly, if you have a car and you change your tires up, keeping your old tires which can be used a a weight for dragging or pulling is ideal which is one of the recent trends in Strength & Conditioning. Use old items as resistance for your exercises.

Perform more bodyweight exercises.

Bodyweight exercises can provide as much resistance and a challenge in your workouts. Things like push-ups, chin-ups and squats, when put together into a good program can provide a very intense workout (e.g. Crossfit's Cindy - as many rounds of 5 chin-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats). Even jogging in a natural environment has its benefits as you get to work your cardiovascular system and allows you to relax your mind while enjoying the scenery. Hence, by using bodyweight exercises, the reduction of the use of equipment indirectly reduces manufacturing cost and processes and even transportation of the equipment, hence making less of an impact on climate change.

These are just a few ways of trying to reduce your carbon footprint and doing your part for the environment. However. I am no expert in this.



If you want more information on such acts to cope with climate change, go visit ACT by Olive Ventures for more ideas on reducing your carbon footprint!