Wonky Knees? Work Your Hips.

Knee pain is one of the most dehabilitating symptoms of many who are active and even those who are sedentary. In fact, most sedentary people give having knee pain as one of the reasons they are inactive.

Knee pain can arise from many reasons. But mainly, it's poor mechanics when performing movements involving the lower limb. Hence, a recent case study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research looking at patellofemoral knee pain (knee pain associated with the knee cap moving out of position each time) discovered a few things which we could consider regarding how to rehabilitate better for knee pain.

The subject was firstly provided a rehabilitation program for neuromuscular re-training of the hip muscles to help resolve the symptoms of knee pain. It was self-monitored at the start but when the symptoms did not subside, the subject was then required to go through the program under proper supervision which subsequently improved her condition and allowed her to go back into sport.

So what does this all mean?

  1. Even if you are given a solid program for rehabilitation or just for training purposes, you need to focus on the right mechanics to allow the program to be effective.

  2. Strengthening the hip muscles will help stabilise the knee joint, and subsequently reduce knee pain.

  3. You do not need fancy exercises for rehabilitation. Simple exercises give the best benefit in terms of functionality and strengthening up muscles.

On that note, similar to what Kelly Starrett from MobilityWOD has brought up recently, if you have an issue with your wrist, ankle, knee, elbow, the problem usually resides from your shoulder or your hip. By strengthening the shoulder or hip up with proper mechanics, you will help reduce the risk of injury in your limbs.

Stay Strong and Keep On Training,

The Training Geek.