More Protein = Less Weight Gain?

Firstly, I do apologise for my long absence. I was busy getting married. Updates on my big day will come shortly. Back to business as the Training Geek. Just read recently about some nutritional stuff appearing in the news. In the past, I used to gobble 1kg of meat just to bulk up and I still have that stigma of a cannibal hanging on myself. However, looking at the recent news about protein intake, it seems like that was actually a good idea in terms of maintaining your weight or even weight loss eh.

In a recent article in the Journal of American Medical Association, researchers actually found using a controlled laboratory experiment that the amount of protein and calories consumed affect the amount of weight gain.

Weight was actually gained in conditions where protein was low and calories were still high. This suggests that the notion of counting your calories is still relevant and that it is important that a significant portion of these calories should come from protein. The reason is that with more protein in your diet, muscle mass is actually maintained and in some instances, muscle mass could be increased. So what the researchers are suggesting is that instead of gaining unhealthy weight by allowing the extra calories to be converted into fat, why not allow the extra calories to be converted to muscle mass? It seems like the way to do so is to increase the intake of protein in your diet.

So what are you waiting for? Start looking at increasing your meat intake or fish intake and start adding one egg to your breakfast!

Stay Strong and Keep Eating More Protein,

The Training Geek.