How You Would Sabotage Your Training.

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There are a few things we do which actually affect the outcome of our training. This means seeing no improvement or in worse cases, a detrimental outcome in our road to achieving training adaptation. Sadly, we actually do some of these things unknowingly. Here are a few of them and try and see if any of them are present in your training:

Unrealistic Goals

In training, we always look to set goals for ourselves. It gives us an indication and a benchmark to work with to see differences due to training. However, if we do not know how to set proper goals, we end up putting unrealistic expectations on our training and when we do not achieve them, we get dejected and could even give up.

An important thing to know is that no matter what training program you embark on, you are not going to see any change overnight. Physical and physiological adaptations occur at least 4-6 weeks upon beginning a training program. Do not expect to see a drastic change from the moment you decide to get off the couch and attend your first PT session. Persevere for at least 4 weeks and you will begin to notice the differences and adaptations.


Is the glass half empty or half full? How you answer that question somewhat determines how you perceive your training program or regime. Not seeing results does not mean there is no adaptation going on. You need to keep your thoughts positive to keep your motivation to adhere to your training program. Encourage yourself consistently each time you achieve a goal, be it small or big. Reward yourself when you reach a milestone in your goals. And constantly tell yourself that you have what it takes to achieve what you want to achieve.

Expect the Unexpected

We can plan our training program and individual sessions to the tee. Despite having these plans in place, we will somehow meet some form of hinderance. Perhaps a trip during your walk to the cafe for lunch caused you to sprain your ankle. What should you do from there? Work on upper body exercises! Educating yourself gives you more options should anything unexpected happen. You can plan for contingencies such as these with ease and not end up hindering your progress in training.

In training, we always look to set goals for ourselves. It gives us an indication and a benchmark to work with to see differences due to training. However, if we do not know how to set proper goals, we end up putting unrealistic expectations on our training and when we do not achieve them, we get dejected and could even give up.

An important thing to know is that no matter what training program you embark on, you are not going to see any change overnight. Physical and physiological adaptations occur at least 4-6 weeks upon beginning a training program. Do not expect to see a drastic change from the moment you decide to get off the couch and attend your first PT session. Persevere for at least 4 weeks and you will begin to notice the differences and adaptations.

Try looking out for these few factors appearing in your training and try your best to reduce them as much as possible. It will help take your training to a whole new level by giving you a different perspective on what you do for your training.

Stay Strong and Keep on Training,

The Training Geek.