How to Bring MMA Outdoors.

Thinking of having a good training session outdoors? Thinking about letting some steam off? Want that nice environment of the outdoors while you work on your striking or ground work?

Here are 3 ideas for you to start on your own:

1. Get some MMA Gloves. 

MMA gloves are the fingerless gloves you see the UFC fighters wearing. They are not as bulky as boxing gloves but they are still padded especially in the wrist and the knuckles. They do not have that bar in your bar for you to grip like boxing gloves. This allows you to hold onto other things such as weights or bars or other equipment. This then allows you to go straight from doing a MMA-related movement to another exercise immediately, instead of having to take your gloves off.

2. Get a Aqua Bag or Weighted Exercise Bag.



I refer to the Aqua bag or a weighted sandbag. This allows you to use it for grappling drills such as slamming but also allows you to work some ground and pound movements from various mount positions. I use these in my MMA classes as they are similarly sized and shaped to a regular boxing bag or grappling dummy. The good thing about them as well is they provide the capability to perform resistance training exercises as well. So you can move from MMA movements into doing weighted squats or deadlifts with the bag. The combinations are endless with these bags.

3. Mix it up.

As mixed martial arts involve various disciplines, go learn some of the striking drills or wrestling drills or even jiujitsu drills. Pick them up from a MMA gym where they provide good instruction or read up some MMA books (I recommend Jarrah's book Ultimate: The Complete Guide to UFC and Mixed Martial Arts) to get an idea of how to mix the combinations around for training. With them in mind, you can start putting compound exercises into your circuits to build up your strength while you work on your conditioning with the MMA movements. As you are outdoors, you can also mix it up using the environment such as adding hill sprints or running a lap before striking drills.

Put these three things together and you can easily begin doing MMA training in the outdoors because everything is portable and all you need is a small space or a small park. Like I mentioned, the combinations are endless and all you need is just abit of imagination.

P.S. I am also currently gathering interest for my Weekend Warrior Program which runs over 4 weeks at Fitzroy Gardens. If you are interested in MMA training in the outdoors and can only do your training sessions on the weekends, the Weekend Warrior Program is for you! Group Outdoor PT sessions using MMA drills for the people with a busy work schedule. Contact me now for more information! Only 5 spots available! Be quick!

Geek Weekend Warrior (2012)

Geek Weekend Warrior (2012)

Stay Strong and Keep Fighting,

The Training Geek.