Rebuilding Myself.


Hello my fellow training enthusiasts. I apologise for my long absence. There have been many things going on in my life (same excuse everytime I am away from this space). So here's a quick update.

My PhD. Recently, work for my PhD has increased. I have been writing a huge amount and slowly all these writing over two years have slightly paid off. Firstly, I submited an abstract for a poster/oral presentation and have been accepted for the European College of Sport Science Congress held in Barcelona at the end of June this year. So it means I get to go to Europe for the first time in my life. But not only is this going to be abit of time off, it is also a PhD-development trip. I will be catching up with my supervisor in Wales whom I have not met up with for at least two years. Plans meant for my trip are in place and I am looking forward to getting some work done overseas while I am away.

My work. PTs have been maximized recently with most of my mornings being filled up with awesome clients who have been with me for a long time. Many of them have shown vast improvements in their strength and power and I am glad that I have managed to help others in their pursuit of strength and power. Despite my nonsense, they still put their trust in me for their training and I am grateful for that.

My training. This is the one that has taken a slight turn the other direction. Since I got back from Singapore, I have been plagued by one issue after the other. It started with my hip which caused a numbing/aching pain and prevents me from sitting down for prolonged periods. Next was my wrist where I felt wrist pain during training and stiffness in the middle of the night. The last one was my lower back which I strained and was close to the same injury as the back injury I had three years ago from deadlifting. This prompted me to take a short break from proper training.

So how am I going to rebuild myself?

My PhD. I will be looking at my final bout of data collection and analysis which I intend to complete as soon as possible. If I am capable enough, I intend to get that done before my trip so that I have more to share during this international gathering of the experts in my field of study.

My work. I will do my best to come up with better programs and be more organised in helping others achieve their training goals. More specifically, I am going to make sure I put the best programming in place for my clients to ensure that they get real results, not just a training effect because of them learning something new.

My training. I have taken a break from proper training and will be looking at my weaknesses in the lifts. My game plan is to get proper rehabilitation done to improve flexibility and mobility in the issues I have mentioned. At the same time, I intend to make sure I return stronger in the lifts by focusing on some light technique work and emphasizing the positions I am weakest at once I resolve the issues of my body. More importantly, I will get my headspace sorted and come back more confidently in what I am doing on the platform everytime I lift. I will also be giving you guys a rundown on how I intend to approach my rehabilitation and introduce some ideas which I have gathered from the teachings of others.

So stay tuned as I provide more insights to this process of rebuilding myself. I intend to bring real results to this and I will ensure I do everything I can to make this happen.


Stay Strong and Keep Building,

The Training Geek