
decided to finally give this WOD a full try. haha. OPT (Crossfit Legend) did it under 7 mins. haha. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5gL9IIzbsY&hl=en_US&fs=1&]

i was happy i did mine in 15. haha. and my running distance was not measured. so it could be longer or shorter i dunno. haha. plus i woke up at 430am this morning to go to work and i managed to catch at least 2 hours of sleep after work. hehe. was contemplating a rest day.. but decided to squeeze in this workout. hehe. and baby went for a half-an-hour walk today! hehe. so proud of her! hehe.

today's workout:


3 rounds for time:

400m run

21 kettlebells swings (24kg - i only have 20kg so i used 20kg)

12 pull-ups

14:06 mins.

Quite satisfied with my performance. need to work more on my running though. hoping all the pose training will help. need to get my running evaluated. hehe.

it's supposed to be pay week. but due to some cock up with the accounts side.. i might not get paid this fortnight. this sucks. but what to do. nothing much i can do. that's the working world i suppose. sometimes u need the luck to work in a place that is highly efficient in what they do.