rest day.

it's been a long day! closing shift again. today's a rest day as i've been training for quite a few days straight. did some active recovery as i din wanna totally relax. hehe. did a 30 min walk to safeway with baby.. then walked back. then i came back to do some skipping and worked up to a total of 15 reps of handstand push ups. then at work today.. i also tried a PB for number of kipping pull-ups in a row. i managed to get 16! woohoo! hehe. recovery is really important when you train hard. It is only during recovery that you grow and improve. but for different people there are different durations of recovery to optimize the training effect to improve your fitness. the range is from 24-48 hours. it's good to find out what is your duration as then you know how long before you can go on with your next workout. =)