day of PBs.

hitting ur PB is a very good thing. it means whatever you have been doing works and have improved your fitness or strength or even both. today was strength day and i was in school working on my snatch and clean. easier for me to do it in school because they have the 2.5kg plates for me to go up in 5kg increments when trying for PBs. One thing i learnt is to be patient with gaining strength or fitness. you need to give yourself time to improve. can be 2 weeks.. can be 4 weeks.. as long as you give yourself the time and you plan ur training right. keeping to a schedule or program also helps. i realised this when i just started training. it actually gave me motivation as well because you see differences physically in terms of the weight you lift for a particular exercise. so one way to really track your progress is to keep a record in the form of a diary, a logsheet or even just writing down your workout. my way is by blogging about it so i can look back to see whether i improved in a certain WOD or increase my PB. you can even use your iphone or some form of technology to keep track of your progress to keep yourself going. today's workout


40kg 3r

50kg 3r

55kg 3r

60kg 3r

62.5kg 1r

65kg 1r, 1r, 1r


60kg 3r

70kg 3r

80kg 3r

82.5kg 1r

85kg 1r

Finisher: 30min walk with baby in the evening. the best. =)

P.S. congrats to my sister on her grad show! you did well! so proud of you!